Thursday, December 2, 2010

CH 9: Pursuing Power

A visit to the grocery store checkout isle is all that's needed to read some of the same headlines mentioned at the beginning of this chapter.  You can't miss them ~ these magazines claim to have all the answers for how to be your best and get the guy you want.  But do they really?  Their answers seem to be all about ME ME ME .... is that God's way?  I hope you can answer a resounding NO from what you've been reading in our Battle book.

As I read back over this chapter this morning, I couldn't help but reflect back to Youth last evening and what we have been talking about in Genesis 3.  This chapter is called Pursuing Power ~ isn't that exactly what Eve was pursuing in the garden talking to the serpeant??   God had been providing for ALL her needs through Adam .... but she saw a way to have more power ~ and have it on her own!

Reflect back with me a moment to Chapter 2 ~ specifically the chart on page 21.  Remember this chapter talked about how males & females were created differently {yes, more than just physically}.  We were created by God that way.  We've touched on this a bit on Wednesday nights as well ~ the serpeant VERY clearly understood the differences between Adam & Eve .... which is exactly why he got Eve's attention.  He knew how to draw her in emotionally.  He also knew she had some "power" over Adam.  According to this chart, guys are stimulated by what they see ... yeah I know we've covered that.  But let's tie that in to this chapter.  How does this give US as females power??  It gives us power to use our bodies to get what we want or need {or perhaps more accurately what we THINK we want or need}.

Unfortunately, this is another area that the world around us has twisted up pretty badly.   The media, including TV, books, movies, music / music videos, portrays "powerful" women ~ getting whatever they want, walking over men, able to do and handle any situation a man can, having sexual relationships with whoever whenever it suits them and tossing them aside.  How does that weigh in against God's truth?

Why do women feel the need to have power over a man?  Again .... go back to the Garden with Adam & Eve.  Eve wasn't content to have Adam to supply & meet her needs.  She wanted more.  The first and second paragraph on page 85 express this well.   So many of the girls / women I see trying to use this "power" to get a guys attention are really just trying to feel loved .....  trying to get this love from the world is an empty pursuit, as many of the stories in this chapter relay.  Our first love has to be God.  He is the only one who can completely satisfy our need for love.  When we are seeking Him first, the balance in our other relationships can be restored.

If you find yourself using this "power" in a wrong or inappropriate way, take some time to consider why.  Are you trying to feel loved or improve your self-worth?  God loves you so much He sent His Son to die for you.  That's some pretty powerful love .... more powerful than any man on this earth is capable of giving.

Another thing to consider is what type of man are you attracting with your "power" .... someone who loves God with his whole heart?   Consider the quote from Neil on page 87.  It's true ~ even of some of the young men within our own Youth Group!