Thursday, December 16, 2010

CH 13: A Healthy Starvation Diet

This chapter was exciting to me ~ know why? 
Because it shows that no matter where you've been or what you've been doing or what you've been looking at ~ there is HOPE.  The HOPE is JESUS!  Is it going to be easy? No.  But do you have to do it alone? No.  God is there to help you .... and so am I!  Find an accountability partner to help keep you on track.  We are supposed to be helping each other as fellow believers.

As Christians, we all have battling forces inside us .... God's Holy Spirit and our flesh.  There shouldn't be any doubt which is stronger.  However, it's a battle because it takes us letting God have control.  Which side are we feeding?  Are we feeding our flesh with wrong thoughts and inappropriate viewing habits?  Or are we feeding our relationship with God and allowing His Holy Spirit to have more and more of our lives? 

Ever heard the term GARBAGE IN GARBAGE OUT?  Remember when you are putting the garbage of this world into your mind, that is what is going to come out {rememeber the actor rehearsing??}.  This becomes a vicious cycle because you have to keep feeding the garbage in .... see our human nature wants more and more. 

So ~ this is where the "Starvation Diet" comes in.  It takes you making a choice to not watch those things any longer or not entertain those inappropriate thoughts further.  You have to make conscious changes to your life to move away from the GARBAGE of this world. The more you move away from these things, the more they lose their power over you.