Monday, November 15, 2010

CH 7: Doing A Reality Check

This chapter brings up a very big topic for this day and age.  The internet wasn't around when I was a teen, so this wasn't something that I had to battle then ~ but it could be huge for you. 

A read through the chapter gives some very explicit examples of what can happen ..... you may say "that would never happen to me" ~ but I bet you could ask any of the girls mentioned and they'd have said the same thing.  You see when our hearts and emotions get involved, we get in over our heads fast ~ it becomes hard to think straight and recognize right and wrong. 

This is where accountability becomes important ~ is there stuff on your computer you wouldn't want your parents to see?  Do you have an email account or instant messenger name that no one else knows about?  Would you be embarrased if your family and friends saw pictures you posted online of yourself or were privy to conversations you were having?

The internet is a place where you can make a "new" real .... a place where you can make up a different name and be someone else ~ perhaps someone you think is more exciting or someone you think you should look like.   This is where you have to stop and realize that it's not real.  Chances are that person you are talking to could be making up a name and pretending to be someone else too.  So what would you have to base any kind of REAL relationship off of?  You're fake and he's fake.

Make sure you take some time to look over the chart on page 63!

We've just been talking about the fact that God made you who you are ~ you don't have to pretend anything.  Even if you do, remember He still knows the truth about you!  He knew you before you were born.