Wednesday, February 2, 2011

CH 21: Sex Without Strings

So, after all you've read so far in the book, do you really think there is such a thing as sex without strings?

I'd say a definate NO.  God didn't intend it that way.  He intended it to be a very intimate time with your spouse and involving your emotions as well as your body. 

When you have sex outside of marriage, you are involving your emotions and body ~ while trying NOT to involve your emotions.  We weren't created that way. 

Romans 1:24-27 talks a little about how God feels about casual sexual relationships.  Yes, God could have stopped them .... but remember He wants us to make good choices because we want to ~ they in turn had to live with the consequences of their choices. 

Take a look at 1 Thessalonians 4: 3 - 8 ... it talks about how we are to control our bodies in a way that is holy and honorable ~ and when we reject this instruction, we reject God.  Those are some pretty strong words!

So, how do we handle being friends with guys??  Is it possible??  It is with some clear boundaries.  Page 186-187 talk about this further ..... "Friends care about protecting each other's mind, heart, body and soul and will make sacrifices to avoid causing each other to stumble and fall into compromising situations."  How are you looking at him?  How are you touching him?  How are you acting in front of him to get his attention?  How are you dressing to get his attention? 

Spend some time considering 1 Corinthians 6: 18 - 20 ~ especially the end .... You are not your own; you were bought at a price {Jesus blood}. Therefore honor God with your body.