Wednesday, January 19, 2011

CH 20: "Technical" virginity

So what do you think virginity means? 

Does it only mean actually having sexual intercourse?  What about masturbation or oral sex? 

Abstinence is the act or practice of refraining from indulging an appetite or desire, especially for alcoholic drink or sexual intercourse.  OH ~ another thing that has to do with our self-control .... a choice!

Sex starts in our minds long before our bodies are involved.  We can be lusting after someone and thinking inappropriate thoughts without ever touching them or taking our clothes off.  If we are going to take the approach that it's only "sexual" if we are having sex, that would make our impure thoughts okay.  God says that's not His way ~ we are told to keep our minds pure .... we covered that way back in the beginning of the book when we talked about our sexual integrity. 

Many times when we are using the word "technical" we are trying to justify ourselves ~ to make something okay that really isn't .... or to make something not seem so bad.   that wasn't "technically" a lie .... or I didn't "technically" cheat ....
So ~ is we apply that to our virginity, how do we determine if we are "technically" still a virgin?

As Christians, we should always be looking for God's best.  What was His plan for our sexuality?  His plan was that our sexuality be used in marriage.  The book defines a sexually abstinent lifestyle as refraining from any type of genital contact or any other activity which serves to arouse you (or him) sexually.  This can range from your thoughts to the way you act, dress or talk to touching yourself or someone else physically. 

Remember how much God loves us?  He created us just the way we are and has a plan for our lives.  So, without a doubt, He also cares about our sexual lives.  WHY?

1. to keep us in good physical health ~ including the ability to have children

2. to keep us in good mental health ~ thinking clearly and using good judgment

3. to keep us in good emotional health ~ not guilty from past bad choices

4. to keep us in good spiritual health ~ free to enter His presence and draw close to Him

5. to keep us in good relational health ~ when you have a sexual relationship with someone, it is meant to be intimate and very personal ..... if it's not treated special but given away freely to anyone and everyone {which goes against God's way} then bonding with your husband someday may be very difficult

There is no greater joy than to live our lives God's way!